American Workers Boycotting Carhartt Apparel For Supporting Biden Experimental ‘Vaccine’ Mandate

#BoycottCarhartt Hashtag Explodes on Social-Media

The backlash against Carhartt Inc. is growing rapidly as the 133-year-old apparel maker declared it would maintain their Covid-19 vaccine mandate despite the U.S. Supreme Court ruling last week.

“Customers are very angry and upset we are carrying their line here,” a sales employee at a Bass Pro Shop in central Texas told us Saturday.

Popular meme

“They are saying they will not shop here if we continue to sell Carhartt clothing. They are serious,” the employee offered under the condition of anonymity. “Some are returning clothes they purchased after they heard that Carhartt originally was forcing the mandate on their employees. Now that they are sticking to it after the Supreme Court’s decision, they (consumers) are mad. More product is being returned.”

The Court struck down the Biden administration’s illegal vaccination requirements for large private employers across America.

As consumers learned of Carhartt’s decision, the negative results for the company were immediate. Social-media researchers, Storyful, indicated blue collar clothing manufacturer was mentioned on average about 550 times a day on Twitter prior to the announcement.

🔹By Tuesday, after the company made their decision public, the number of tweets mentioning Carhartt jumped up to more than 33,000 on Tuesday,

🔹Well over 25,000 anti-Carhartt tweets were tracked on Wednesday, according to Storyful.

🔹By Thursday more than 7,000 tweets had used the hashtag #BoycottCarhartt and other related terms.

“Carhartt fully understands and respects the varying opinions on this topic, and we are aware some of our associates do not support this policy,” a spokeswoman for Carhartt told Storyful and their parent company, The Wall Street Journal, in a statement. “However, we stand behind our decision because we believe vaccines are necessary to protect our workforce.” 

According to the spokeswoman, the company has over 5,500 employees globally. She said “some” employees were granted accommodation requests for medical or religious reasons.

Mark Valade, the chief executive of Carhartt who shares ownership of the company with his mother, Gretchen Carhartt Valade, issued a memorandum to employees on Jan. 14 indicating that the vaccine mandate would remain in place.

🔹Conservative commentator Jack Posobiec of Human Events, endorses the public boycott and is promoting replacement brands in response to the Carhartt decision. On Wednesday, he put out an open call to his nearly 1.6 million Twitter followers to seek competitors.

🔹Former Trump administration official Sebastian Gorka tweeted, “Never ever buy @Carhartt products again.”

🔹Attorney Molly McCann wrote: “Well @Carhartt has labelled the unvaccinated dangerous and implemented a vaccine mandate. Pretty rich from a company sustained by the ranchers, farmers, laborers, etc. who make this country great and celebrate her values of freedom and liberty. Boycott Carhartt until they break.”

🔹Florida Republican state Rep. Anthony Sabatini tweeted, “Today I wrote a letter to @GovRonDeSantis urging him to eliminate any and all state agency business & contracts with the woke company @Carhartt—which recently announced that they will be firing all unvaccinated workers,” Florida Republican state Rep. Anthony Sabatini tweeted. “Florida must fight back against woke corporate tyranny.”

🔹Author Ashley St. Clair told her 395,700 followers to Cancel @Carhartt and “Stop supporting medical tyranny.”

🔹The Office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is looking into the matter as it relates to state law and Governor Greg Abbott’s recent direction.

🔹Tim Kennedy, a retired UFC fighter, tweeted “Goodbye @Carhartt” to his more than 343,000 followers. 

Nine Line Apparel

Competitor Nine Line Apparel commented that Carhartt was “not protecting their (employees rights to make their own medical choices, apparently.”

“You’re not allowing them to make the best decisions for themselves and their families,” Nine Lines noted. “Just so everyone knows, at Nine Line, we would NEVER do this to our employees.”

Many Americans are switching over to alternative apparel companies out of patriotism. In the military, a “Nine Line” is a medevac request for a soldier that is injured on the battlefield. To soldiers, a Nine Line symbolizes patriotism, hope, and trust in one’s countrymen.

“As a life-style brand, Nine Line Apparel aims to reinvigorate the sense of patriotism and national pride that is disappearing daily from our society,” their website indicates. “Where politics and dissent divide our country, we hope to inspire unity and brotherhood among all Americans as patriots under our common flag.”

At its core, Nine Line is a give-back organization, forever striving to be our brother’s keeper, and encouraging others to do the same:

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  1. The facts seem to show that the vaccines are ineffective and harmful, and harmful in an immediate sense and harmful in terms of long term side effects that are unknown, and in terms of Vaccine induced AIDS (called VAIDS) and reduced Immunological Response in vaccinated individuals.

    As I am not a Doctor (I’ll be so happy if covid is over some day and my comments don’t require me to reveal that I am not a Doctor, the name is from a 2001 Movie, the character is strange and fits me well.

    Carhartt is or was, well respected in Industry. With about 30 Years in Heavy Industry myself, I am well aware of their products. But company actions revealing an adherence to Liberal Political Views weighs heavily against them. OSHA, early on, said that employees injured from vaccinations where vaccine are required, must report them on the Accident and Injury Logs, but OSHA backpedaled and delayed enforcement to a future date. But OSHA was recently overruled by the Supreme Court, and I find it probable that Carhartt will be subject to lawsuits that they may lose due to the Supreme Court’s ruling. If Very Large Companies have canceled mandatory vaccination, it makes Carhartt’s decision yet another bad decision, and overall, as a Stock Holder, or as a purchaser of their products, such poor leadership on this issue may reflect deeper issues in the company and people should consider other products and investments.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. This eMRA is not a vaccine it is an experimental cocktail that changes your DNA an RMA Cell structure. It does not protect one from getting sick, thats what a true vaccine does. These people are stupid at Carhartt, I will no longer buy their clothes after over 50yr.s of doing so. People need to Boycott them and sink them like a rock.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. On January 14, the day I was scheduled to be terminated, the Supreme Court struck down the mandate and my company backed down, called me right away in fact. Praise the Lord! They are saying things might change by April 15, the company leans toward demanding the shots anyway, as policy. I believe as more information gets out, they will change their minds. I know I’m not changing mine. Thank you for another great article.
    By the way, on January 12, my Dad, 89 years old, died and went home to Heaven. But not from the shots, and not from Covid. He was spared that, unlike so many others. I am rejoicing, really that he can never be sick or old again, or used by this corrupt medical system.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I’m thinking of creating a little video to share of me setting the one item of Carhartt clothing I own on fire just to test its flammability. I’m thinking that might start a trend. And I also might be sure to put a Hershey bar in one of the pockets first, since my family has now fired Hershey as well.

    Liked by 2 people

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