Trump Requested 10,000 National Guard Troops at U.S. Capitol Before January 6th Protests

President Donald Trump revealed Sunday night that he had did indeed requested the deployment of 10,000 National Guard troops to the United States Capitol in the days prior to the massive protests on January 6th, only for his request to be ignored.

The 45th president made the revelation public to Steve Hilton on Fox News, where he said that his White House had sent a message to the Department of Defense formally requesting the 10,000 troops just days before January 6th, as they expected the crowds to be even larger than anticipated.

President Trump then said that the message had been passed on to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). She rejected the request because she and other congressional leaders apparently did not like the “optics” of so many armed troops stationed at the Capitol, which President Trump referred to as “a big mistake.”

Now the optics include a massive barbed wire topped fenced in wall around the Capitol due to Pelosi and her concerned congressional minions.

Trump’s statements further confirm what his former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said in an earlier Fox appearance; in February, Meadows said on Maria Bartiromo’s show that President Trump had issued “a direct order” to have 10,000 National Guard ready on January 6th.

President Trump also said that he “hated” watching the protests unfold, but pointed out the “double standard” between the media coverage of the Capitol protests, which were mostly peaceful, and the violent race riots that burned many American cities, caused over $2 billion in damage nationwide, and killed over 25 Americans over the course of last summer.

Various members of Congress have stated their support for an investigation into the protests along the same lines as the 9/11 commission.

While Pelosi and other Democrats have used such a talking point to falsely describe the Capitol protests as “domestic terrorism,” Republicans have said that such an investigation may unearth evidence that Democratic leaders such as Pelosi had plenty of prior warning about possible unrest, but deliberately refused to do anything to adequately prepare.


  1. Information has surfaced that PELOSI conspired w woke General Milley to intercept President Trump’s request – to DOD – as Commander-in-Chief – for 10,000 National Guards – for the crowds arriving in DC for President Trump’s Save America rally. BOWSER as Mayor of DC and PELOSI as House Speaker refused proper Security, and ignored Chief of Capitol Police of what was needed = PELOSI refused to communicate w him, FIRING him, and LYING to Rep Jordan that the Chief had disappeared, was MIA – that PELOSI labeled as “the Storming of The Capitol”. Jan 6th event was an INSIDE JOB w FBI operative RAY EPPS and others – as a pre-meditated DISTRACTION to PELOSI certifying known erroneous count to Electoral Votes to Biden “installing” losing candidate = Obama’s illegitimate Biden-Harris Admin. VP Mike Pence absolutely had the authority to send the SLATES back to the States for a RECOUNT, when States informed Pence, PELOSI and office of House Speaker – of States “reclaiming” their ELECTORAL VOTES for President Trump “mistakenly” provided to Biden. God Help Us!

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  2. Jan 6th event was an INSIDE JOB as evidenced by emails surfacing between FBI operative Ray EPPS and PELOSI as House Speaker – in the weeks leading into President Trump’s Save America Rally in DC – during the time Electoral Votes would be certified.
    While PELOSI as House Speaker and DC Mayor Bowser refused proper Security for a sitting US President, they provided a police escort for BLM-ANTIFA members traveling to DC from Baltimore, upon their arrival in DC, and provided MAGA gear for them to change into – along the way – to give the false impression of being Trump supporters when infiltrating the crowds gathered in DC for President Trump’s SAVE AMERICA rally.
    Also discovered on the streets of DC were 2x6s and Tanks of Propane Gas, placed strategically around The Capitol – as the tools of Mass Destruction used by BLM-ANTIFA. Evidently, Bowser and PELOSI expected – to duplicate their Acts of Mass Destruction from the summer of 2020 in DC – on Jan 6th. Investigation has not occurred w Bowser or PELOSI, who purchased, planned, ordered and delivered those tools into DC – to incite VIOLENCE.

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